

Interview with veteran Toronto graffiti artist, Artchild.<\/strong><\/div>\n

What are your favorite complimentary colours\/combination of colours?<\/strong>
\nI don’t have any, it constantly changes. I like to try new ones all the time. I do like using combinations that are unexpected.<\/p>\n

How long have you been spray painting your stylized moniker?<\/strong>
\nAround 15 years. But I started playing around with graffiti and b-boying when I was 12 years old, 20 years ago.<\/p>\n

Are you involved at all with the freight painting culture?<\/strong>
\nI used to be a lot more than I am now. My main focus is on piecing.<\/p>\n


Do you think graffiti in Canada dying, compared to how ubiquitous it seemed 10 years ago?<\/strong>
\nI don’t really pay attention to the “scene”. If you say it’s dying, maybe it is, but I don’t see it that way. <\/p>\n

Do you think the internet is ruining the essence of graffiti some how?<\/strong>
\nNo, I think it’s cool I can catch a piece just done on the other side of the world. <\/p>\n

What is Artchild doing when you’re not hitting walls?<\/strong>
\nLooking at graff on the computer\u2026hahahaha. Naw, for real I’m doing some work in comics, studying Jeet Kune Do and working out.<\/p>\n

Have you ever travelled overseas to paint and if not, where would you go?<\/strong>
\nNo, I hate traveling. But if I liked it, I would go to: all five boroughs of New York (I know it ain’t over seas), and all over Europe.<\/p>\n



Do you ever worry about getting pinched for doing your work?<\/strong>
\nNo, I’m more worried about getting busted for public drinking when I’m at the wall.<\/p>\n

Do civilians ever give you shit for painting?<\/strong>
\nNo, they big it up and want to talk to me forever. They ask lots of redundant questions, but at least they like it.<\/p>\n

What’s the most rewarding image\/impression\/feeling you get when painting?<\/strong>
\nWhen an idea comes off without a hitch and it looks bomb. When I step back and see a real piece of art.<\/p>\n


Do you do any commissioned work?<\/strong>
\nYes, all kinds. Both fine art and graffiti.<\/p>\n

Do you show at galleries?<\/strong>
\nA few times, here and there. I would like to do more shows in the future.<\/p>\n

For more info check out: artchildhsa.blogspot.com<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n