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June 9, 2008

Wii Spray

Wii Spray

Wii Spray is a virtual spray-can created by German University student Martin Lihs for his master’s thesis at Bauhaus University. It plugs into your Wii controller and allows for different caps, different colours, and by using an an internet connection can even allow collaborating on pieces with people anywhere. You can be sure it won’t be too long before a commercial version of this prototype is available for use in graffiti inspired video games..


Wii Spray

Wii Spray

Wii Spray

[De:Bug via Complex]

10 Responses

  1. Wholy f*ck! That’s brilliant. A lot of my friends have been using the new Wii controller interface for all kinds of dope shit. Nintendo’s at the top of their game.

  2. Cool idea I just hope it doesnt create a bunch of posers who think they have skills like guitar queero.

  3. It will undoubtedly create a bunch of posers. Much like the game skate. People have made full hour long videos of themselves skating in the game. Reviews and trailers and everything.

  4. Wow. Conflicted emotions here. That will be fun, but I anticipate another wave of toys running around if this becomes a commercially available product. Combine this with that mark ecko game and its done. 14 year old know-nots with mad ego and no real skill or balls.

  5. “It will undoubtedly create a bunch of posers. Much like the game skate. People have made full hour long videos of themselves skating in the game. Reviews and trailers and everything.”

    I agree to a certain extent, I mean I skate, and it’s a little annoying to see that; but then again, who cares if they think they can paint, or skate, it has nothing to do with anyone else. There are posers related to anything and everything.

    I think this thing is fucking dope!

  6. This’ll keep the posers painting in the digital universe instead of wounding my eyes (and our properties) with their terrible attempted graff atleast.

    Don’t get me wrong, I love graffitti… when it’s good.

  7. REAL paint (and dope writers) has always inspired just as many wack toys to uglify walls as these things will. Let’s not pretend that anyone who puts a real hand on a real can has always been fly right away.

    Remember back when you could still be a wack DJ even if you used vinyl only… because nothing else existed?