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April 26, 2010

M.I.A. – “Born Free” video

New M.I.A. video/short film directed by Romain Gavras (nsfw).


12 Responses

  1. Christ.. shit that was powerful. gruesome look into a worst case scenario american future. disturbing how all the non-redheads were so fatass.. like… its all part of the plan…

  2. there was what? 1 minute of lyrics in a 9 minute song…EASY. dont write anything for a long instrumental…

    im finna bust that on some black haired blue eyed cops, same opressive way!

    if I was a cop, i’d smoke some rock with that spanish man. that was a nice little piece of ish blazed in that smoke..[HOLD THAT SMOKE I-N, NIGGA! forever-……………and don’t let go until THE ULTIMATE HEADRUSH RISES UP TO THE SKYLINE OF DIVINE LIGHT]

    beating fat men sleeping with ugly old witches is NOT that rugged…weak so

    but M.I.A is missing in action in this video. die for your freedom and explain the situation to some Angelic deity in the next level of existance beyond the physical body, way somewhere unexplainable…

    I’d say the worst shit and laugh at them then die totally souless and worthless. WHILE FIGHTING killer-ish

    niggerz and wiggerz are next in the sequel

  3. this sing sucks. You can’t just sample a classic song, put shitty vocals over and call it a day. SHe should give up already.