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March 14, 2008

Friday Five On It – Mar 14, 2008

Atmosphere TV ShowAtmosphere TV Show

Promo TV show where viewers send in there interview questions for Ant and Slug. Best question each week wins a free copy of the new album When Life Gives You Lemons You Paint that Shit Gold.

Saul Williams and NikeSaul Williams + Nike

Saul Williams teaming up with Nike seems wrong, or at least weird, but their new commercial features his track “List of Demands”.

Erykah Badu Speaks About Her ProducersErykah Badu Speaks on Her Producers

Collection of Erykah Badu videos speaking on each producer she worked with on her new album.

The WordThe Word

New online hip hop TV show based out of BC. They are eight episodes deep so far, with more scheduled for fall. Features include interviews with Josh Martinez, Evil, Shad K, Bliue Scholars and more. Check it out.

The Onion MovieThe Onion Movie

Trailer for The Onion Movie, coming soon to DVD. Also look out for Cockpuncher.

4 Responses

  1. Those atmosphere vids are actually pretty funny, but not as funny as cockpuncher, holy shit that is good.

  2. Where is the J Mart interview on that theword site? The video section just looks like random music videos only??

  3. I missed it at first too. Ignore their navigation, its not there, look on the left sidebar instead, those rectangles are the tv show episodes. They definitely need a new “episodes” heading, the current one sucks.

  4. Saul Williams and Nike? Maybe this is another ‘without permission’ stunt like they did with the poster rip-off of Minor Threat’s album cover.