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May 28, 2008

Dose One Rapping and Battling Again

Dose One

With the less rappy Subtle and 13 & God projects being his focus over the last few years, this rare occurrence during last Friday afternoon’s WFMU broadcast from the Knitting Factory was a nice surprise. DoseOne did an on-the-spot freestyle followed by an impromptu rap battle with two other MC guests in the downtown Manhattan club, NYC’s Bisc-1 and Broke MC. Check out the broadcast here.

7 Responses

  1. Yeah, this is the Dose One I like to hear… I’ve missed this guy. Hopefully we’ll get another rap record from him soon. I couldn’t care less to listen to Subtle or cLOUDDEAD or any of that… Give me Dose One rapping over beats any day.

  2. friggin dope. i miss dose rappin. themselves was so dope, same with hemispheres

  3. Peace to what Doogie wrote… but then I caught that new Subtle track in the broadcast… shit was pretty cool. But hearing Dose serve some one like that was friggin awesome

  4. i was mostly down with all his side projects as well but hearin this broadcast has got me exicited to see what he’s up to next. dude is a genius. definetly need some more of that hemispheres type ish!