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April 26, 2011

Thesis Sahib

We caught up with the multi-talented Thesis Sahib for a video feature before one of his live shows in Montreal last month, part of his Before the End book and album launch tour. For more info on Thesis Sahib, check out jameskirkpatrick.org.

8 Responses

  1. What James? I had no idea you started with violin…
    I studied violin from ages 7 til 17
    i knew we had some other secret shit in common
    nice piece scott!

  2. Scotty, this is so well put together! I love how you cut video like chopping breaks… not as finely, of course, but your cuts are visually composed to take the subject’s movement into account, so sometimes it LOOKS like no cut has taken place even though you can juuust barely hear the audio jump. Clever!!