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March 13, 2009

Fresh IE – “Crystal” (Dir. by Jason Lapeyre)

Part of an anti-crystal-meth campaign in Manitoba, this Jason Lapeyre directed video is doing really well on the film festival circuit.

36 Responses

  1. nice. this works

    i probably wouldn’t listen to the song again but i think it will work in reaching a lot of youngins. very well made song for that.

    video was very nice

  2. Very, very well made.

    I hate the drugs-as-a-chick, played out metaphor though. Inherently sexist, ignores that more chicks use meth anyway, dilutes the message with unnecessary gender politics.

    But the video LOOKS fucking amazing.

  3. Video looks cool.

    Too preachy for me. No pun intended.

    Anyone else notice that meth has the same effects as religion? Social decay, insomnia, fear-mongering,etc…?

  4. i have to agree with jesse, the gender politics in this song are its most annoying aspect.

  5. I don’t know about the gender politics angle. If they had used a young girl as the addict instead people would complain that “the video misses the fact that guys use meth too.”

    In general I think that more people are prone to respond meaningfully to a male character than a female character. Guys are expected to be strong, independent, rational, etc. So to illustrate that meth can fuck up those in our society who are expected to be the most resilient brings the point home: don’t fuck with meth.

    Good lookin video, yeah.

  6. over analysis adds an undeserved depth to this song (not video) that otherwise wouldn’t exist.

    if you piss in your hand and drink it, would it be hot/gross/cool/gay/funny or ultimately, just another piss drinker?

    boobs or dick, you’re still drinking piss.

    it’s kind of like all of us non – hard drug users explaining to conspiracy how bad hard drugs are.

    1. **quote**
      if you piss in your hand and drink it, would it be hot/gross/cool/gay/funny or ultimately, just another piss drinker?
      That would be cool but you’d be extreme if it was dog urine…

  7. I take back the cheeseburger comment. That was uncalled for. But he should run some laps, no?

  8. Ha those raps are not that bad! How else can someone rap about meth? I dunno ill shit imo. Wasnt the crazy lyrics I ever heard, dont think that was the point tho.

  9. **quote**
    if you piss in your hand and drink it, would it be hot/gross/cool/gay/funny or ultimately, just another piss drinker?
    That would be cool but you’d be extreme if it was dog urine…


    Never!……… Touch dicks in the hawaiian hotbox after a winnipeg handshake at the balmoral!


    i can’t wait for heywood and i to roll to winnipeg and get retarded with the homies!!!!!!!

  10. meth is wild, I accidently sniffed way too much of it back in the day when I was drunk as fuck I ended up locking myself in my bedroom room for 3 days and had these weird voices in my mind telling me all kinds of weird shit they were very loud and the fuckers were taunting the hell out of me and I couldnt sleep no matter how hard I tried. to pass the time I drew pictures of loops in a notebook. After day 3 I checked myself into the hospital the doctor told me I could have died becuase I was so dehydrated and that I was lucky to be alive.

    havent touched the stuff ever since.

  11. This video fails completely in it’s depiction as the “user” himself is painted as having zero responsibility for his actions, and any addict I’ve ever known who has eventually gotten clean has done so only after admitting their own responsibility and owning it. The underlying message is skewed, and arguably even counter-productive to it’s assumed goals; if the addict is not responsible for his usage in the first place then how can he be held responsible for his own recovery.

  12. Someone should do a track like this about obesity and make Fresh IE watch it on repeat.

    Meth is some gross shit but Meth Pipes are great for smoking oil. Buying them is kinda sketchy.

    This song is strange for a lot of different reasons. It definetly gave me the ‘no’ feeling.

    That Crystal chick is smoking hot.

  13. i’d like to see a song called ‘i do drugs’

    and the video concept is following homeless teenagers around, who aren’t in school, or ‘hollywood’ drug addicts.

    shoot it at the edmonton grey hound depot and get cameo’s from the ‘real’ deal.

  14. lol @ addvice “Someone should do a track like this about obesity and make Fresh IE watch it on repeat” haha or they should make fresh ei the “obesity” character chasing down some poor kid forcing them to eat big sloppy winnipeg double cheeseburgers aka double fatboys hahaha.

    1. haha, that would be one of the greatest music videos of all time! i don’t see it happening though, i’m sure fresh IE’s life insurance broker would threaten to cancel his insurance if they found out he was planning on trying to run

      i feel like an asshole but….lol

  15. I like meth. I mean, not all the time, where you get holes in your face. But when you got stuff to do for a couple of days. Not much else does the trick.

  16. I like the words of what meth is made of, and what some of the external (visible) consequences are. However, it doesn’t really touch on what the internal/psychological consequences are (a little?) I feel it would be deeper if it had more heart around what the proceeding factors were/are to turning to meth. Overall something a little more conscious then some, but it is Fresh IE. Have you ever used drugs?