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April 26, 2010

Astronautalis & Dj Fishr Pryce – DANCEHALLHORNSOUND!

Astronautalis & Dj Fishr Pryce - DANCHEHALLHORNSOUND!

DANCEHALLHORNSOUND! is a new pay-what-you-want mixtape download from Astronautalis & Dj Fishr Pryce.

Download: fresherthan.com/astronautalis

“A mixed tape (in the contemporary sense of the word) of me reshaping my own strange historical fiction indie rap songs over some of my favorite pop rap beats, coupled with a few songs you may not have heard, an op-ed piece, and some freestyles thrown in for kicks , and all mixed up by my homie Dj Fishr Pryce. This isn’t irony, this is appreciation, and experimentation, I am working well out of my comfort zone here, but I am proud of the result. This may disappoint some people, may anger some others, and hopefully raise a few eyebrows…enjoy it folks, this is the time in which we live, and this is exactly who I am.” – more

1. Do You Believe in Life After Thugs?
2. The Secrets of the Undersea Bell
3. Trouble Hunters
4. Avalanche Patrol
5. Run! (feat. Nobs)
6. The Case of William Smith
7. Mr. Blessington’s Imperialist Plot
8. Voicemail Freestyle: P.O.S & Jake
9. Seaweed Sheets
10. Learn to Listen (feat. Andrre & Pierre the Motionless)
11. turns out…this wasn’t Gomez’ number?
12. Voicemail Freestyle: Tegan & Sara
13. Down and Out in the Bold New City of the South
14. Voicemail Freestyle: Mike Wiebe

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DJ Fishr Pryce
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2 Responses

  1. Dear guys please let me know if you would like a free link so that you can download and listen to the mix.