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December 4, 2009

Brothers Grim feat. Proveli Paragon – “Elevate” video

New Brothers Grim video featuring Proveli Paragon off of their Grim Reefer album. Directed by Chris Chow & Chester Sit.


13 Responses

  1. This video seems confused, like the visual didn’t match the rappers in it or something… not sure exactly what, something seemed off, but i was entertained nonetheless.

  2. hahaha sick. dope video, you guys keep getting better. keep it up

    I peep all the shit you guys post… now go DL my new album already(peep the link in the forum) and let me know what you think.

    1. Those are really bags of freedom herbs. The cops, the sexualized culture, the aviator glasses — it’s like sex is our own police force, and we need to fly away (hence the aviator glasses) with cargo ships of freedom to elevate ourselves.

      Subtext, B. It’s like Film 101.