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November 2, 2012

Sole – “Never Work”

Sole - "Never Work"

Another good one from Sole’s upcoming A Ruthless Criticism Of Everything Existing, out Nov 13. Produced by Ecid.

“Never Work” is one of my favorite concepts to emerge from Paris, 1968. I interpret it to mean that your labor is one of the few things you own, and by allowing others to exploit your labor, you become dispossessed of that which is naturally yours (your time & body), and fuck bosses. Too many people spend their lives, toiling away, wasting their lives doing things they hate simply because society says we must. Fuck that. If it feels like “work” you are hustling wrong. This song explores anarchist alternatives to organizing society as put forth by David Graeber and Peter Kroptkin. Beat by Ecid. — Sole

@mcsole @ECIDfitb