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December 12, 2007


Photo by Kelly Clark

Introduce yourself, crews, affiliations etc…

Alpha Flight, Droppin’ Science, Fuck You Party Time, Endemik, Backburner, blah blah…

How did you get the name Ghettosocks and what is the significance of the name?

I used to get made fun of because of my socks. I would wear the fuck out of them… stupid big holes – like in the movies (the name just kinda stuck).

I have heard people describe your sound as a cross between Cadence Weapon and Rakim, how would you describe it?

I don’t really like my voice. For someone to compare me to Rakim is a huge compliment and I wish it were true… I would definitely list him as a favourite and an influence. As for Cadence – it probably has to do with us both being weird Canadian cats that aren’t wack.

You released a 12″ for the Get Some Friends album, that is a crazy venture for indie artists these days and especially Canadian artists. Tell us about this experience and its significance for you.

I released a 12″ because I really loved collecting vinyl singles when I was young. I think it’s important to have a catalog of music. As an indie, I find that vinyl sells almost as well as cds, especially at shows. Sometimes I sell more 12″ singles than albums. I believe cats need to make tangible things like cds and vinyl… the downloading is definitely changing the way people perceive music, it’s a plus and a minus. My mixtape is coming out soon on cassette.

The title of your album is Get Some Friends, do you have a lot of friends and are you telling others to do the same?

Its not that i have a lot of friends, but I certainly have a few good ones. People should have friends, life is pretty boring otherwise.

Would you consider your style a throw back?

I guess so, maybe more like ‘outdated.’


Ghettosocks – “Step to a T-Rex”

Who were your influences growing up?

Growing up I was heavily influenced by the nature of Optimus Prime from the Transformers cartoon (i had a Transformers lunch box too). Early influences included lots of stuff… Michael Jackson, Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince, Boys 2 Men, whatever.

What are the challenges associated with being a Canadian indie rap artist?

Its challenging to do everything on your own and with your friends – book shows, make music, perform, blah blah… but that’s what makes it fun. As a Canadian artist… I guess the weather is a factor sometimes? Oh yeah, and that the country is like 5000000 kms wide and touring across it as an indie is hard as fuck.

Who is someone you would like to work with in the future?

In the future I’d love to work with Maestro Fresh Wes, A-Plus, Planet Asia, Special Teams, Cesar Comanche, whoever… long list.

You have a track about reading books and one about stealing from Walmart, is Ghettosocks for the kids?

I think I confuse the kids, but i think the older cats get it… the one’s who are still kids at heart.

Any last words?

I’m looking for mixtape title ideas… hit me up on myspace:

20 Responses

  1. Ghettosocks is awesome! To me his sound is closer to Edan then to Rakim or Cadence. I thought the wanting to work with Planet Asia thing was perhaps a joke?

  2. ha. planet asia. who knows with socks. i dont think cadence sounds like socks either… not really at all.

    jesse, you fronted on D way back … hehe

  3. since i seen dude live in Winnipeg with peanuts and corn
    i been loving him

    and that step to a t-rex is 1 of my fav Canadian videos
    i’m anxious to hear new material from dude

    good interview

  4. G Sox really opened up my eyes to intelligent knowledgable thought . I can really say that after I understood his music, it made me look into alot of things that I would otherwise overlook. Now i will read, and investigate into things before I open my big mouth with a spur of the moment, uneducated sound .. In otherwords say nothing most of the time hahaha.

    Respect !

  5. I heard ghetto socks through Meta a while ago and loved it his shit is wild
    loving that beat
    makes me wanna eat babies

  6. that video track is real dope. i definitely want to check the album.

    whats with the planet asia hating? he’s ill.

  7. Didn’t you know? It’s not cool to listen to dope rappers nowadays. It’s actually not even cool to like rap music and be a rapper cuz rap is “boring”. Welcome to the world of Indie hop.

  8. good interview…i remember when bluntologist battled him at the vancouver rap battle rent money…it was pretty dope, blunt doesnt even rap really, and they had to go into a tie breaker round…and yeah whats with everyone hating planet asia? dude is sick!