October 11, 2008

Help Winterize Junkyard’s Shed

Help Winterize Junkyard’s Shed

Our boy Junkyard needs some help preparing for the coming cold Canadian winter. Check out junkyards-shed.com to make a donation and this post in our forum for more info.

Well, winter is coming and Junkyard is getting cold. I’m looking to insulate that beeyatch this weekend. If anybody [in Edmonton] has any insulation/drywall laying around that you are willing to donate I will pick it up and you can meet Junkyard but you probably won’t wanna touch him, haha.

And if you may have anything that you think would be beneficial to a 62 year old man that lives in a shed and wanna donate it to him that would be very appreciated as I am a single dad on a fixed budget (Junkyard is my child, basically, hahaa).

DJ Nato

3 Responses

  1. All the people that shouldn’t be making donations are; thanks, Noyz, for your help and kind donation. He can’t believe people care enough to go out of their ways like this for him!! Thanks from the Dog, and hopefully tonight is his last cold night.