May 4, 2009

May the 4th Be With You and Phoenix Orion

In honor of Star Wars Day today, here’s “Jedi Mastery,” a classic Phoenix Orion track from one of my favourite albums, 1998’s Zimulated Experiencez.


8 Responses

  1. Seriously dope!

    When i worked at a movie theatre in saskatchewan, lucasfilm would individually number and barcode EVERY single star wars related anything.

    We would literally have to ship the cardboard cut out promo’s, posters, promotional items back to lucas inc. and if anything was out of place or unacccounted for the lucasfilm would pull the feature.

  2. scanners by far is the joint off this album……good selection though…..orion is the dude for shooooo!

  3. This is awesome, love this album – gonna revive it again. Never knew about Star Wars day either though, what the fuck?!? I’ll never forget it now.

    Other good selections

    Walkman – Fortruss and that Brooklyn Ack song with the Star Wars beat….Punch Brothers had the illest star wars track never to be heard.