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February 22, 2011

D-Sisive – Jonestown 2: Jimmy Go Bye Bye

jonestown 2

Free download of the follow up to D-Sisives Jonestown album from 2009. The new album is produced mainly by Muneshine, with Timbuktu and Norman Krates handling the beats for a couple of tracks.

13 Responses

  1. Can you really get ENOUGH D-Sisive?
    I’ve been listening to him since The Book- I think this is my favourite so far.
    He’ll probably have another album ready to go in a couple months to knock this one off the top spot….

  2. Dope album. Dude is amazing. He’s knocked off 4 albums in the time I’ve released 1. Looking forward to releasing my new one, which actually features D-sisive.

  3. I tried putting together an interview with this guy and he didn’t want to do it. Them’s the breaks.